Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sharing What We Know About Dreams

Dreams have been written about in the scholarly literature since the beginning of time and more recently, dream research has allowed for a more accurate understanding of the dreaming mind. As scientists, we have a good general understanding of dreams and how they link to the dreamer's life. However, the general public is still mostly unaware of how their dreams link to their lives and often believe that dreams do not have meaning. Despite the vast body of evidence that: 1) dreams have meaning for the dreamer, 2) dreams can help dreamers with waking day issues, and 3) dreams are a problem-solving, emotion-regulating mechanism, people are still unaware of the value of their own dreams. How can researchers get this information out to the general public in a way that will help them understand their own dreaming mind?


  1. As we live in an time that the majority of society is so attentive to what is portrayed to us through the media, using this medium is the best way to get important information out to the general public. Using a popular television show on the news, such as CNN’s Pierce Morgan, where dream specialists/researchers can come on and communicate to the public about what dreams mean, how to remember them, how to discover their meaning, and how to use them as a guide to problem-solve in waking day life. Having more people understand their dreaming mind will help them to live the life of their dreams, with the ability to solve their problems in everyday activities and make the most out of their interpersonal relationships.

  2. To get this information out to the general public in a way that will help people understand their own dreams, researchers could use popular television shows, and magazines. A great amount of information that we take in, we get from media. I believe that along with the news, the discovery channel and CNN, a great way to get this important information across is popular sitcoms (ex; The Big Bang Theory – wouldn’t we all love to see Sheldon tackle the theory of dream interpretation?!). I also believe that putting articles in magazines such as Men’s Health and Women’s Health, would be beneficial. As we have learned in class, dreams are an important aspect of our psychological well-being, and once people are aware that dreams are linked to their lives, they would be intrigued to read/learn more about them. It is important to note that we did learn that dream dictionaries aren’t a valuable resource for the interpretation of dreams because themes and events can mean different things for different people. Magazine articles would have to be informational, letting people know about methods that will help them discover the true meaning of their dreams, rather than tell them what their dreams mean.

  3. Just like what was said previous, popular culture and the media are probably the best ways to get information like that to the general public. They need to get interested in the subject of dreams in order to pursue further knowledge of them and gain a better understanding. The movie Inception for example probably got a lot of people more interested in dreams and how they are important....which would then lead them to sources with more information such as magazines, television shows etc.

  4. I agree with what was said about using the media. In order to engage the reader you have to catch the reader by stating some sort of relation with them.

    The average person works for a living and has many stressors in life that by the end of the day the last thing they want to do is work some more. Since we are so obsessed with time and not having enough of it, many people don't want to take the time out of their day to read a long scientific study on how their dreams are important.

    The majority of people watch TV and find it to be quite engaging and relaxing. If researchers could some how incorporate their message in a popular TV show that has a lot of viewers that is one of the ways they could get the general public to listen and be interested.

  5. I also agree with the media idea. In addition to the media, it may be a good idea to somehow introduce the idea of the importance of dreams as something that can be consumed or purchased. We not only live in a society that is dependent on media but we also live in a time of increasing consumer culture. Through the media we can stress the importance of consuming things like books such as "The Giant Compass" to help aid us through our own dream interpretation. If we stress the consumption aspect of dreaming then perhaps more people will be open to the idea of using dreaming as a way to gain insight into individuals waking day life.

  6. I agree with using media streams such as television and news shows (CNN), magazine articles (People's, Time) and movies would be a good way to get the info out there to help people understand their dreaming minds. I also think appearances on television talk shows where someone such as a researcher does a segment about the dreaming mind and then can promote some kind of literature such as The Giant Compass would be great too. It would be nice to also see a researcher or specialist join permanently on a tv show such as The Doctor's or The Talk who could help guide individuals in a gradual process. Because social media is so big these days having a Facebook page where a researcher can help guide "friends" about their dreaming mind would be a good too. Or even a radio talk show where a researcher does a segment once a week on a popular radio station. I think with the way society is so dependent on media, all these suggestions would help inform the general public about their dreaming minds.

  7. I believe using any type of technological medium would help spread the word of the benefits of understanding one's dreams. For instance, day time talk shows would be a great form of adverstisment. An example would be The Talk, they advertise various items during give aways, and discuss hot topics. If you had some dream researchers go on the show and promote the theories and their literature, that would be a great way to put the word out there. (Literature on dream therapy could be a gift to send home with the audience).

    Also, I really like the idea mentioned about where the information could be incorporated into popular sitcoms. I think Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory explaining dream therapy would be awesome! Plus it is such a popular show the word about dream therapy and the insight you can gain from your dreams would be out there for sure!

    Finally, I would have to say blogs or websites that provide information about the insight one can gain from their dreams would also work. Plus a blog would provide individuals with the option to talk to others if they wish about their dreams and the insight they got after completing self-directed therapy.

  8. Bringing Dream Therapy to high schools, either through curriculum or guest-speakers and workshops, as a way to introduce it to younger populations would be a good way to promote the use of dreams for insight early on in an individual's life. Students in high school are often at a stage where they are problem-solving about their futures quite frequently, and making information on dream therapy readily available to them would likely make it a more familiar form of self therapy for them to consider. Since individuals often find familiar concepts more agreeable than unfamiliar ones, this would likely make future suggestions of dream therapy, whether by a professional, at work, or by the media as previously suggested, appear a more tangible idea to a population already aware of dream therapy and its uses from high school exposure. As most of today's media is targeted at and consumed by younger audiences, such as teenagers, this would make an adjoining media approach to publicizing the usefulness of dream therapy integrate better into the lives of a younger population than it would an older population.

    - Carey-Ann Bette

  9. I feel like the media idea would make it superficial but if it was done in a way that taught people how to properly interpret their dreams in a manner that was beneficial, I think it would be alright. I feel like this would be hard to do. However, I think that good old fashion word of mouth is a good way to get the idea out. I had a staff/volunteer meeting where I volunteer and was discussing with a few people interpreting dreams. I recommended Professor DeCicco's book to a few people. If someone they can relate to or engage with has had a positive experience with dream analysis, then I feel like people would be more willing to give it a try.

  10. Adding a dream pamphlet to universities/colleges/high schools in self-help sections could be beneficial. You could include a simpler technique of dream decoding (such as TSM) just to get the word out and get people interested. It could help with stress during the school year. Another incorporation that could be beneficial would be to add a program like dreamy the pillow for younger children. You could incorporate it into nap time. Parents are usually interested what their children are doing in school so introducing dreaming may even get them thinking about it.

  11. I think that having dream blogs/websites directed at the general public would be beneficial since many people use the internet on a daily basis. It would be neat if blogs could be run by professionals in the field of dream research who could answer the questions that people have about dreams. I think blogs would be neat because they could teach the general public about common misconceptions about dreams and that dream dictionaries are not accurate because common dreams can mean something different to each individual. Even something like a facebook page run by students, professors, and/or clinicians who can provide accurate information about the dreaming mind could be a neat idea. This page could also provide a list of books like "The Giant Compass" that would help people interpret their dreams and learn about the topic.

    I think that having a TV series based on the dreaming mind could be informational. People who are comfortable talking about their dreams could go on the show and explain the insight they have gained by using dream interpretation techniques. Also, it would have to include professionals in the field of dream research who could provide accurate information to the viewer about dreams and dreaming. Since a lot of people do watch TV, maybe even having a short informational commercial about dreaming could help the general public become aware of the dreaming mind and direct them to sources of information (books, blogs, websites, etc).

    Lastly, I think it would be a great idea to have brochures about dreams/dreaming in doctor's offices and clinics. This may be more friendly, accessible, and straightforward for the public rather than telling them to go read a scholarly article about dream research. Having workshops and information sessions in colleges and universities could be beneficial as well.

  12. In order to get dream interpretation into the minds of the public, they would have to hear about it seriously at first. They could have more courses in the schools (high school and colleges/universities) so that parents would see that it is a legitimate study in their child’s curriculum. Also, they could advertise dream interpretation on TV, with both fiction, and non-fiction shows, in order to get the word out there. They could also have some radio shows about dream interpretation (not the hocus-pocus type where a spider symbolizes death) but the proper kind, teaching the listeners about self-guided methods such as The Storytelling Method. Once dream interpretation becomes more of a public topic, and is brought to people’s attention by word of mouth, more people will become accustom to the idea of it, and will want to learn more about it.

  13. I agree that the media is a great way to help people learn more about their dreams. Many people; men, women, young, or old tune in to watch their favourite TV shows, or go out to the movies, or rent movies. So I believe movies, TV shows, Commercials, and Talk shows would all be a great way to help get the message out there and to help people understand the value of their dreams.

  14. I agree with the previous posts about using the media and technology to spread the word about the benefits of dream interpretation. I think one important part of making the practice more popular is to make it more user-friendly. I really like how simple and well laid out “The Giant Compass” is. I think the easier it is to use and the less intimidating the material is the better. I think one of the best mediums right now is social networks like Facebook and Twitter. These social networks might be a useful place to promote or start groups who are finding benefits from dream interpretation. I agree with what other students have said about introducing at college and university campuses, but I think it needs to be better promoted and discussed within Psychology departments. I am in my fourth year of a psychology degree and have never had any exposure to the benefits of dream interpretation. Like Professor DeCicco mentioned in class, our department offers very little in the way of applied psychology courses. I think with more exposure to methods that people can apply for themselves and see results, you will see an increase in popularity as well. The students in Psych courses now may be the future of the field, so I think it’s important to get them excited about dream interpretation as a therapeutic method. I also think the more literature that comes out supporting the validity of this type of therapy the more popular it will become.

  15. Researchers could use radio commercials using a short, but intereting dream as the bait to catch the listeners, and then ask a question like "have you ever had a dream similar, or a dream you can't explain? Well then let us inform you of self-directed dream interpretation, call, email, or visit our website for more information." The same sort of catch can be used on tv, billboards, and busses. Short and sweet and keep the listener/watcher/driver interested enough so that after a few times of hearing it (with possibly another dream as the catch), they will contact for more information!

    Melissa Van Grootel

  16. I agree with a lot that has already been said. I find that the media would be the best option to do this. As well as putting up valid information on the internet. However with these approaches I do agree that some people may not completely believe it.

    As well having this information available to the public via schools, and doctors office's as well may help. I feel like having the information available in a doctor's office may be beneficial because people who go there with problems caused by stress may see this as a way to find the stress in their lives and deal with it.

  17. Although majority of the people that have already commented suggested this theory, media is probably the best way for researchers to show the importance of an individuals dreaming mind.
    As cliche as it sounds, publishing articles in popular magazines is a way to reach out to various individuals in different age, gender and social groups.

  18. It seems like the majority of the class thinks that media is a great idea to publish more research about dreaming. I as well agree with this due to the fact that it has already taken effect. With the recent release of the movie "Inception" many more people have been engaged in learning about their dreams.
    As well many people are into mediation, yoga, new age medical therapy, and with a lot of these classes dream interpretation is greatly talked about.

  19. For researchers I believe that having this course available in a wide range of universities and colleges would allow the theory of dreaming to get across to individuals. I know when I picked this course and read the description I wanted to sign up automatically and I think that for many individuals that would be the case as well. This course is hands on, it explores your life and overall it's interesting. So if this was able to be implemented in all school systems many people would become aware just through being curious of what it's all about.

    As well, I agree with the posts above in that media coverage would be a good idea in getting research about dreams across. Media is apart of our everyday lives so using tv shows, movies, magazines even apps for cell phones can help get this interesting concept of dream history and dream interpretation across.

  20. I think it depends on the age group, the information needs to be provided in different ways according to the age because every age group has different interest.
    We can't really teach these things to younger children because they are too young to understand but the parents should be inform and slowly the children.
    Anyway back to the question of how to to get these information to the general public. I think for young people, the internet is the best way to get information across because young people and adults generally get their information through the internet.
    For adults and seniors, I think the TV and newspaper is very helpful in getting the information out. What I have noticed is that my family and especially my grandmother really believes in everything she sees on the TV and the newspaper.
    I also believe what Bianca said was right that doctors and nurses somehow have the power to make us believe things probably because we know that they are knowledgeable.

  21. Science gets into the mainstream through limited channels (journals, universities, professional conferences, etc.)It also gets muddied by media and 'professionals' who operate on their own agendas.
    I think the best way to spread the truth is by practicing it. In the case of research findings, speaking openly about empirical evidence and challenging biases, pseudoscience and misinformation are helpful in seperating fact from fiction.
    Should anyone actually use dream interpretation in an applied setting (i.e. delivering it to the general public), then it is imperative to provide the general public with the correct sources of information. A satisfied customer is the best way to spread the word.
    Chris Morris

  22. Similar to what everyone else said I do agree that in today's society the media is the most successful way at giving information to the public. Having researchers as guests on popular television talk shows such as Ellen, Dr. Phil, The View and others could be a good way of providing accurate information about how important dreams can be, as well as showing the public certain self guided methods that they could use in analyzing their own dreams.
    In my experience alot of people I talk to are interested in dreams, but they are fooled by books and other things that are out there that try to describe symbolism of certain things in dreams. I think if dreams were talked about more in the public (but using accurate information from real dream researchers) more people would be interested in their dreams and may take them more seriously.

  23. I have to agree with everyone. The media is the best outlet for informing the public about dreams and dream interpretation. It would be great to have a study discussed in the news regarding the importance of said dreams. We see heath studies talked about in news shows and papers, why not studies on dreams? We just need to be careful that this information isn’t distorted by whoever is covering it.

    Having said that, I don’t think a news broadcast or article would be able to really delve into details regarding everything we know about our dreaming mind. I think it would be good for getting the public interested. So much information can only be covered in the allotted time or space. It would be best for a book based on scientific research to become readily available to the public to go in more detail about dreams and dreaming.

  24. I find that when I tell friends and people I meet that I am taking a course in Dreams, most are curious and very interested. On the weekend I spoke with my guests about my course. One relative was interested in Freudian theory, another dismissed dream work as unscientific. It is true that the general public either dismisses dreams as unimportant or know very little about the fact that dreams can help them in waking life and serve as a source of guidance about decisions in their day to day life. People who are involved to some degree in self-awareness… such as yoga practitioners and meditators seem to be more aware of the benefits of paying attention to their dreams.With access to books and general courses in dream recording and interpretation (outside of university — which is available to only a small percentage of the population and a particular demographic) — more people could become more aware.

  25. I also agree with the idea that the media would be the best way to encourage dream interpretation. Many of my friends are interested in their dreams and can find some information on dream interpretation through the internet or in books but most of it is not very helpful. If the media were to cover it through a news segment or even on a television show, I'm sure many people would be interested and seek further information about it.
    I also think more schools should offer dream courses since there seems to be a limited amount of opportunities to learn about dreams. If students were given the option to take a dream course I'm sure they would take advantage of that, seeing as our dream course had a waiting list. Also, the students taking that course would more then likely pass on information to others which would peak their interest in discovering what their dreams are all about.

  26. I agree with the above posters, using the media would be one of the most effective ways of getting knowledge of dreams into the general public. Also, incorporating it into schools and universities would help people understand the importance of dreams.

  27. I think the best way for researchers to get information out about the impact of dreams would be to release it through the media. Popular culture and technology has had a huge impact on our lives today and seems to be the most efficient way to get information out to the public. A lot of people look to the T.V or internet for information that is reliable. It can also reach a large number of people in a limited amount of time.

    Another way to release this information would be through educational institutions. I think if a dream interpretation class was available, more people in post secondary education would be interested in taking it. I am a sociology major and I took this class simply because it looked interesting. I also believe dreams have a importance in our lives and I wanted to hear what researchers have found. If more of these classes and workshops were available, the public would have a greater knowledge on dreams and their impact on a persons waking day life.

  28. I agree with all the previous comments that media is the best outlet for reaching a large number of people. It is probably the most easy to use and easy for reaching and teaching a large demographic. Dream interpretation is definitely something that could be useful for many people and it would be helpful if some really famous talk show hosts, such as Oprah or Ellen, would have an expert on dream interpretation to come onto their shows. That way it could be explain properly. Also I think that the internet is very useful way to spread the word, but they would have to be careful it was not misinterpreted or messed up. Lastly, I do think that books are a good idea as many people use books as a source of self help and dream interpretation is surely a useful way to help oneself.

  29. I believe the media would be best as everyone seems to agree. The majority of people seem to be really attached to their television so perhaps if more talk shows would cover the topic it would gain more of an interest. I mean .. the movie inception alone was a huge success in getting everyone interested and talking about dreams again. So if it was more discussed over radio, television or in newspapers/magazines, im sure people would start to catch on to the significance they present to us in our lives as long as adequate knowledge of them is provided.

  30. I feel as thought with this generation, most adolescents and adults are so attached to social media. Creating easy to read and very interesting information about dream analysis and the meaning behind dreams, and somehow publishing it on Facebook or other social media sites would, in my opinion, be very ideal. By simply creating a group on Facebook or having links that are directly attached to dream information, this may be a very efficient way to get more individuals interested in getting to know the meaning behind their dreams.

  31. I think it is important to utilize social media and pop culture to advertise the importance and relevance of dreams in everyday life to the general public. In today’s society, people rely on social media to get the most up-to-date information without exerting much effort. If dream information was made available through this means, I think the general public would have a better grasp on the importance of dreaming in their life. More importantly though, I think it is important to instil a sense of dream awareness in young children from an early age. If say dreams were discussed more in elementary school kids may make dreams an important aspect of their daily life. If teachers explain to kids in these early grades that dreams can reveal important things about one’s health, waking day life and experiences, and they are taught to pay attention to them, perhaps this habit would follow them into their teenage years and adulthood. With these basic dream values instilled, a person could use their dreams as a way to cope with and solve everyday issues throughout their lives. This could be achieved by inviting guest speakers such as psychologists into elementary schools to discuss the benefits of dreaming or by incorporating dream reflecting and discussion into the curriculum.

  32. Media can play an important role in getting the general public interested in learning about dreams and the meanings behind their dreams. This can be done by using Facebook as someone else has mentioned, it has turned into a huge media outlet used by millions of people world wide, advertising on Facebook would grab lots of peoples interests.I agree that having students or professors of the course run the Facebook page and answer questions from the public would be a good way to inform people about dreaming.
    A website with an ongoing blog for the general public to access and leave comments on, where a dream expert can communicate back and forth and suggest tips to help people remember thier dreams would be a great way for people to gain more knowledge about dreaming. The website could also recommend different books about dreams for people to follow-up on.
    I agree with having some television shows do a segment on dreams or how people interpret thier dreams, especially if it was a comedy I think it would hold the audiences attention and make them wonder about thier own dreams meanings which would then make them want to look into it further.
    Offering a course on dreaming to the general public at a community center would be a good way for researchers to get the information out to the pulic or even having brochures set up in the lobby of a community center for anyone to browse through, can also be a good way to get people interested in learning about dreams.

  33. I agree with Kelly’s post about using the media to advocate the importance of dreams. Using television, the radio, and popular magazines are good ways to get this message across. It would also be effective to use examples of people that have had their lives changed because of their dream interpretations, and have them speak on television or the radio. Using a celebrity or someone famous would probably work the best for our society. Sending guest speakers to schools, colleges, and universities would also create awareness on the importance of dreams, and would at least get people talking about their dreams. Once people get started they’ll probably be hooked!

  34. Reiterating what has already been said, I believe that talking about the dreaming mind on popular news shows (such as CNN or Anderson) would be very beneficial for those who are interested in their dreams or trying to live out the meaning behind their dreams in their waking life.
    I also think that since blogs are very popular, this might be a better place to start to get people interested in the dreaming mind. As well, offering more courses on dreaming in Universitys would encourage individuals to expand their minds and gain insight into something that is beneficial to them.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Researchers can inform the public of how important dreams are to the dream by doing several things: putting the information in terms that everyday people will understand, making it accessible to everyone (journal articles are not easily accessible to people unless they are affiliated with an institution), and making the information seem interesting (statistical analyses will just push people away).
    There are many ways to make the information accessible such as: blogging/video blogging/ information pamphlets, and magazine articles.
    Tara-Lee Upshall

  37. I think that getting scientifically relevant information to the public is not an easy thing to do without compromising the integrity of the research. While movies like Inception are fantastic at introducing the topic of dreaming and making it popular with the public, they do not offer much empirical evidence for why dreaming is so important. I think marketing for something like this should include appearances on as many new/talk shows as possible and maybe features in magazines. I have always been fascinated by dreams and when I came to Trent I heard a lot about this course from people who had already taken it. How interesting they thought it was, and the size of our waitlist indicates that. Getting the general public informed about the importance of dreaming to their waking day life would take a lot of time, effort and resources.

  38. I agree with what my classmates have been saying. The general public needs to be able to identify and understand the newest scientific research on dreams and dreaming, and in order to do this, I believe that the information needs to be put out though the media. On talk or news shows, researchers can bring the newest information to the public. The majority of people watch television or listen to the radio at least 4 or 5 times a week, so I think that this is the best way to inform people about dreams.
    Prior to taking this class, I had never really read much into dreams or dream analyis. You can only Google so much of the "pop psychology" of dream analysis before you realize that most of what is on the internet does not hold much ground. Bringing information to the public via media outlets will allow researchers and professionals to direct us to the most recent and up to date information. It also gives them a chance to show us where to look for more information. I personally have talked to people about taking the Dreams class at Trent, and all of these people have thought it was really cool, and many told me that they had always been interested in dreams, but had never been able to find any decent information on it. In fact, a couple had requested to read the class textbooks, once class had finished. They are definitely a good starting point.

  39. I agree with what everyone is saying that media would be a great way to get the information out. I think that people are interested in dreams but they are just not informed. If the information was put out that dreams are a reflection of yourself and with a few simple tips, deeper information can be accessed, people would be more inclined to go out and buy books such as "The Giant Compass". News segments on the current research of dreams would probably get people wanting to do their own research.

  40. I agree with my fellow classmates in regards to the media. However, I think it would also be beneficial for other people outside the classroom to be able to attend a free seminar or lecture. Also, dream workshops for interested people could also be really great. Word of mouth is very powerful! I know after each class I tell my family all about what I’ve learned. A few of them even said they would be interested in attending lectures about dreams! This way the information is not just being watched, it's interactive and personal.

  41. I agree with everyone who mentioned using Media as a medium to create awareness of the importance of dreams. The stigma/stereotype of classifying dreams as a pseudoscience first needs to be addressed in the academic world. Dreams and dreaming must be accepted as a science in academia before it can be promoted to the general public. For the general public to accept its importance it needs to be understood and discussed in the scientific world.

    In today's society magazines pertaining to different hobbies/sciences validate the authenticity of such human activities. Therefore as mentioned already, a magazine dedicated to dreams and dreaming would be a good way for researchers to create awareness of dreams and thier importance.

    Other ways to create dream awareness:

    1. Researchers can also run documentaries regarding dreams on educational channels for kids and adults

    2. Dreams and dreaming should be offered as course in psychology disciplines in all universities

    3. Develop a sci-fi television show about dreams

    -Farooq Kamal

  42. I agree with everyone who mentioned using Media as a medium to create awareness of the importance of dreams. The stigma/stereotype of classifying dreams as a pseudoscience first needs to be addressed in the academic world. Dreams and dreaming must be accepted as a science in academia before it can be promoted to the general public. For the general public to accept its importance it needs to be understood and discussed in the scientific world.

    In today's society magazines pertaining to different hobbies/sciences validate the authenticity of such human activities. Therefore as mentioned already, a magazine dedicated to dreams and dreaming would be a good way for researchers to create awareness of dreams and their importance.

    Other ways to create dream awareness:

    1. Researchers can also run documentaries regarding dreams on educational channels for kids and adults

    2. Dreams and dreaming should be offered as course in psychology disciplines in all universities

    3. Develop a sci-fi television show about dreams

    -Farooq Kamal
