Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Heads up Dreams: Dreaming about Tomorrow
Dr. Carlyle Smith has had a long career studying sleep and dreams and has recently presented research combining quantum physics and dreaming. In his work he provides explanations for how people can dream about future events when they have not happened yet. Have you had an experience where you dreamed about an event and then it happened in the future? If so, describe the event and explain how likely Dr. Smith's theory can explain the phenomena.
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i believe i have had a couple of HU dreams in the past. i had dreamt of a group of people i hadnt seen in a long time,and within the week, i saw those people, all in a group together, just like in the dream.
ReplyDeletein terms of dr. smith's theory,a partical can be on more than one place at a time, suggesting that it is possible to be in one location and dream of another location. the dreaming mind can break the time and space continum, which is why the dream can occur BEFORE the event actually takes place.
I don't believe that I have many Heads-Up dreams - at least none that I am frequently aware of. I more commonly have dreams that are warning signs of something that will happen if nothing is changed, not necessarily predicting a inevitable outcome.
ReplyDeleteMost dreams like this that I have tend to relate to stressful situations, like a fight with a family member, or health related problems, like unhealthy eating habits.
Dr. Smith's phenomena can explain this theory as the HU dreams tend to illuminate outcomes that will result in the future if things continue. However, I usually make waking day changes so that none of these dream events do occur.
I have actually never had an HU dream. The dreams that I remember are too bizarre and unrealistic to happen in real life. I laughed at the slide that mentioned that the greatest skeptics are the ones that have not had this experience because I think I’m one of them. The only thing that made sense to me was his explanation about quantum physics and “superposition.” I think it’s true that that more than states or different probability exists at once and overlap. For some reason this makes sense to me.
ReplyDeleteI defiantly have had the HU dreams, but back when I was in grade 8. I have not had them since. I would have dreams of my friends and they would be wearing specific outfits, and at school the next day, they would be wearing the exact same outfit that I had dreamt about the past night.
ReplyDeleteI think that Dr. Smiths phenomena can explain this because obviously something is striking emotions in us, and if not dealt with correctly, the dreams will continue to happen until something is done.
I cannot recall specific dreams that involve HU. However I think that I have experienced HU dreams before. I cannot recall any dreams specifically, but I can recall the experience of thinking "thats weird, I dreamed about that..." but not knowing the specific details.
ReplyDeleteI think that Dr. Smiths proposal of entanglement would be relevant to this experience. It explains the linking between individuals. Although I am no physic major, I think that the theory proposes an adaquet explination for the phenonmena.
Grace Williamson
I had a dream that tipped me off that someone was lying to me about something, I didnt know what it was about but I knew who it was. I later confronted this person indirectly and said I had a dream and I know someone was lying to me. They admitted that it was them and explained what they kept from me. I was shocked and this was the only HU dream I can recall that I have had.
ReplyDeleteThis can be explained by Dr. Smiths connection of HUs to quantum physics in that there may have been a few particles floating around with a couple possibilities. Maybe they were the other person's possibilities that I confronted. The different possibilities could have been to keep the truth from me, tell me the truth soon or keep it from me for a while. The dream I had could have caused the crash of the particle wave into reality and caused the person to admit to me that they lied rather than keeping it from me.
I have never had an experience where I dreamt about an event and then it happened in the future (that I can remember). My dreams are either too confusing to actually happen in real life, or they reflect past waking day events. In Dr. Smith’s presentation on HU dreams, he mentioned an example of a man who had never had a HU dream, but once he was educated about them starting having them (and looking for them in his dreams). Based on this example, I can assume now that I have learned more about the phenomena of HU dreams, and if I start looking for them, perhaps they will appear from time-to-time in my dreams.
ReplyDeleteI have never had any HU dreams, but I would like to see if I can make any connections. Many of my dreams are very abstract and are not similar to waking day life and therefore I have difficulty connecting them to waking day life sometimes especially based on manifest content.
ReplyDeleteHis theory was quite intriguing and the connects between quantum physics and dreams made sense and it gave a reason why we could possibly have dreams that reflect future events or dreams about other people.
I feel like I have experienced a “heads up” dream but the experiences that I have had with those types of dreams have not been extraordinary. They were mundane things that I can no longer recall. I am not sure how likely Dr. Smith’s theory is however I felt he explained the theory well through quantum theory and the concept of the different particles. I believe having an expectation for a certain outcome could also increase the likelihood of the phenomena.
ReplyDeleteI've had heads-up dreams, and pay attention to them. I think this is sound counsel for any phenomena I can't explain; this is the spirit of open-minded investigative science.
ReplyDeleteThe most vivid one I remember is dreaming about people I used to work with 10 years prior in Ottawa, and the following week after the dream, having one of these former colleagues literally call my name from out of the blue in the middle of Bloor Street. 10 years later and 450 miles away?? Too coincidental to be a coincidence.
I don't know if I buy into the quantum physics Dr. Smith was endorsing as an explanation, but I do believe there is definitely something to do with transmission of signal. He mentioned low voltage drop and dismissed it; I think this could be another instance of science not measuring the right thing or using the wrong scale. It took a while to figure out that neurotransmission is electrical turned to chemical across a synapse (gap); perhaps this is a similar scenario across the gap between brains, distances, etc.
I am disappointed that Dr. Smith didn't mention any laboratory research on heads-up dreaming or the collection of large pools of normative data like Hall and VandeCastle have done; it would have made the theory he postulated more credible.
He did mention his own self-report, as well as anecdotal evidence from a 'cranio sacral therapist’ and 'medical intuitive.' Dr. Smith's data, as a scholarly psychologist, I would assume is rigorous. I am sceptical of the other source, which is second-hand, retrospective, and may be full of placebo effect, wishful thinking, regression fallacy, and placebo effect. I am also sceptical of the credibility of any practitioner whose field has little, if any, empirical base. I'm not disbelieving of some kind of phenomena, just cautious of snake-oil.
What I am left with is curiosity and an unquenched thirst- what are H.U. dreams??? I have NO doubt there is something to the phenomenon, I'm just not much closer to the what.
I believe that in the past I have had a 'heads up' dream. It was actually quite bizzare and at the time I didn't know what it was or what it meant. In the dream, my friend and I were standing at our lockers having a discussion and although I don't remember the phrase she said something that stood out to me. The next day(in waking life) I go to the lockers and see my friend and we are talking and I hear her say that exact same phrase she said in my dream. I found it quite spooky and pretty neat at the time but didn't think anything of it.
ReplyDeleteAfter learning Dr. Smith's phenomena I find his theory to be quite interesting but I still think I am a skeptic. Although he did provide personal examples of these dreams I find it hard to believe that people can have these 'heads up' dreams that could save people's lives and that these dreams would be so frequent. With the friend he mentioned who was able to predict illnesses in her family and with others I found her to remind me of a psychic. I like most wouldn't take her too seriously if she came to me and said I think you have lung cancer because I had a dream about you last night after talking with you briefly. Most people are skeptics on things we can't explain thats why I'm not saying it never could happen I would just need to see it more myself in order to believe it.
I myself have never had a HU dream experience, that I am aware of. Although I know people who have. However now that I keep a dream journal and know what to look for, I will pay attention to these things and see if I ever do.
ReplyDeleteI have never had an HU dream. For example I've never dreamed of some occurrence and then it actually happening that day or later that week, month or year. The only thing that worries me about dreaming and quantum physics is how we try to explain everything using some form of scale or mathematical equation. What if, this scale or equation is wrong. than many theories we've come to all agree upon are all wrong. Its like putting all your eggs in one basket. It sounds very possible and interesting. I would be interested in hearing about more research done on this topic.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a dream that I could attempt to explain with this theory but I don't. Right now, I am on the fence about this theory, I would like to know a little more about it and see some more studies. Now that I keep a dream journal, I will be able to look back on it and see if maybe I do have these sorts of dreams and just havent realized yet.
Personally, I have never had a HU dream (At least that I am aware of). However, I think if I ever were to have one, it would probably frighten me a little bit.
ReplyDeleteAfter taking this class, and attending Dr. Carlyle Smith lecture, I'm wondering if I might ever have one in the future. I plan on keeping a dream journal and paying attention to my dreams, and what happens in my waking day life, in order to see if I am able to make any connections in the future.
I don't think I have experienced such an event. I am quite skeptical just because his dreams and the experiences after the fact were so similar. Although I do not record my dreams on a regular basis as he has, I do sometimes experience the feeling of "has this happened before?" but I just play it off as being deja-vu or something I had anticipated to happen. It would be interesting to record my dreams for quite a lengthy time and see if I experience the same phenomena.
ReplyDeleteI have never experienced an HU dreams, Although it would be very interesting to see whether the dream reflects perfectly with my waking day life. Most the of the dreams I experience are all very confusing and when I think about them in the morning, they often do not many any sense. This being said, I feel as though I would have difficulty experiencing HU dreams because of that reason. Dr. Carlyle Smith's theory was very interesting and the connections between quantum physics and dreams did make sense to me. He explain very well how we could potentially have dreams that reflect future events. Now that I have studied HU dreams, I feel as though I have a better chance experiencing this type of dream because now I may be looking out more for the connections.
ReplyDeleteI think I have had an HU dream before. It involved dreaming about a friend I had not seen or heard from in many years. Around a month later he called me up and asked to go for a drink. I actually remember saying to him that it was so weird he called me because I had dreamt about it. He laughed it off as a coincidence, but I have always thought there was some specific or special meaning to dreams like that. Looking through my dream journal on a regular basis will allow me to see if I have any more.
ReplyDeleteI found Dr Smith's lecture really interesting, though I must admit, the QP part was a bit hard for me to follow... probably because I haven't taken physics since first year. The examples he provided to us in the first part of the lecture were really cool. I would also be interested in learning more about the work that the lady did in Peterborough with the police. All in all, a really interesting lecture.
I don’t really recall having a HU dream before, but after listening to Dr. Smith’s lecture on the subject, I hope to experience this phenomenon in the future. As for the application of quantum physics to explain how these events occur, I remain skeptical. In quantum physics a particle is in an infinite amount of places until it collapses into one, but at this moment in time, I cannot accept the idea that our minds while dreaming are predicting or determining where these particles will collapse, hence why what we dream then appears to be occurring in our waking life. Until there is a better explanation as to how quantum physics physically works in our minds, this theory to me is not valid enough explain HU dreams. Perhaps something else is going on in our minds that we are currently unaware of that can explain this phenomenon.
ReplyDeleteI don't recall ever having a heads-up dream, however I'm sure that if I keep a dream journal for long enough, continue to pay attention to my dreams, and revisit the journal often, then I will eventually have one. Maybe I have had one, but since I haven't kept a dream journal or paid much attention to my dreams until taking this course, it could be that I just don't remember. If we don't record our dreams or practice techniques to help us remember them, then it is quite possible to forget the dream imagery. This would lead to the inability to identify whether or not you have had a heads-up dream because you can't remember your dreams period.
ReplyDeleteI have often had instances in waking day life where I think I see someone I know in the distance or in their car, but they get closer and it's not them. Then I actually see them later that day in an unexpected place, however I can't recall this ever happening in a dream. Since I'm aware of heads-up dreams now and am interested in experiencing one, I hope I will eventually be able to.
As for Dr. Smith's theorizing, I would want to hear more about quantum physics in relation to heads-up dreaming. Maybe I am skeptical because I didn't grasp the whole concept of quantum physics or maybe I am skeptical because I can't recall ever having a heads-up dream.
I've had numerous dreams of this kind in my life, ranging from trivial to important, and Dr. Smith's discussion of HU dreams in light of Quantum physics puts these dreams in a very interesting perspective. One very trivial account of this occurred when I was rather young. It is particularly vivid for me as it is the first instance I can recall of having a HU dream and it had rather shocked me at such a young age. I had dreamed an event exactly as it occurred a day or two before it did.
ReplyDeleteIn the dream, and in waking day life a day or two later, I was sitting on my father's hammock in the sun with my cousin, who rarely visited, eating an ice cream cone, another rare treat. The event was rather an unusual and unlikely one since I didn't often see that cousin or have an ice cream cone unless there was a special occasion. I recall feeling rather disturbed to have dreamed an unlikely event such as this and then have it occur.
Dr. Smith's theory that Quantum physics can describe this type of dreaming is interesting, as it suggests that this event became possible because I had dreamed of it. It is such a trivial event that it could be possible. Perhaps, however, I could have overheard my parents planning such an event and not recalling, but dreaming about it. I am sure there are many possible explanations for a trivial dream such as this. I have had many important HU dreams that were too specific and unlikely to be explained away, however. For example, I do not see that Quantum physics could explain HU dreams I've had that occurred in countries I had never seen or planned to visit, but that eventually were realized in waking day life. The math would make such dreams as having a chance of occurring less than one in a million, and that does not seem like possible statistics for a scientific theory such as Quantum physics. Overall, I can see how Quantum physics could explain HU dreaming, but am unsure how important HU dreams that are infinitely unlikely to occur could be explained this way and still make sense to the way that we perceive the world.
- Carey-Ann Bette
I cannot recall any specific heads up dreams that I have had in detail. I know that I have had some before but I never really took the time to record them or remember them in detail, as I didn't realize they were heads up dreams until the event had actually happened in waking day life. The heads up dreams that I can remember were mainly about a person that I hadn't seen or heard from in a while (sometimes years) and then a few days after my dream I would see them. I believe I have had at least a handful of these type of dreams.
ReplyDeleteAs for Dr. Smith's QP theory I had a difficult time following it. I have never taken a physics class, not even in high school so I am not too familiar with the topic. I would be interested in learning more about it though, as he provided some amazing examples of heads up dreaming, and obviously has spent many years researching them. I plan to start recording my dreams as much as possible even after the dreams and dreaming course is over, because it is something that interests me very much. Hopefully in doing this I will learn more about heads up dreams and other theories.
Recently, this fall I had a heads up dream. When I was at my hunt camp moose hunting, I had a dream where a bear attacked my friends and I when we were in the bush. The next morning I told my friend about it thinking it was strange and later that day he had a bear come really close to him in the bush, luckily it didn't attack like in the dream.
ReplyDeleteDr. Smith's entanglement theory was very interesting as it was new to me. It seems to bizaare to be true, but maybe becuase I don't know much about quantum theory.
I have experienced a few heads-up dreams. A recent heads-up dream that I had included a friend of mine that I had not seen in years. I had a dream that he was a ghost, and that morning he texted me. It was very strange but interesting! After listening to Dr. Smith's Quantum Physics theory, this whole situation makes sense to me. Although his theory was a bit confusing (since I have never studied physics) I believe that his explanation is definitely possible.
ReplyDeleteI recall having a number "Heads Up" dreams, I would always say I feel like I'm having deja vu, but then remembered it was because I had a dream that it had happened. The most bizarre heads up dream I ever had was when I was in my first year of University. Long story short, I had a dream that I was in the hospital and the doctors and nurses were telling me that I had just had a baby girl. I was arguing with them because I knew I wasn't pregnant so there was no chance of me giving birth. That weekend I came home and told my mother about how I had a strange dream and after explaining it she was speechless, as one of her co-workers had just given birth to a baby girl without even knowing she was pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how likely Dr. Smith's theory can explain my dream situation, as I didn't even know this woman, and she had been pregnant for 9 months, therefore it couldn't have happened because I had a dream about it. With that, other situations are much more believable and make more sense to me.
it was really interesting to hear about heads up dream. i experenced few heads up dream. 3 months ago i had a dream that one of my cousin died. i was really sad in my dream i didnt have time to call my cousin. i felt really bad so i though i will call my parents and as long as my parents are fine i will feel better. i called my mom she said she was going to call me to give me the news that one of my cousin died not the same one as i dreamed. i was really surprised about my dream.
ReplyDeletei had experinced a heads up dream also. i had a dream that my best friend decided to come visit me in canada. i was really happy in my dream. as soon as i woke up on a saturday morning my best friend called and said he is already in canada coming to visit my house within 2 hours. i was really surprised to hear him. i thought i was still dreaming. when Dr. smith mentioned about heads up dream it was really interesting to me and also quantam method.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I have a heads up dream but it is hard to say for sure because there are lots of times when I have deja vu (or even times when I have deja vu ABOUT having deja vu) and I can't remember if the current situation actually had happened before but in a slightly different way or if I had had a dream about it happening. However I do remember one distinct heads up dream for sure. It was a lnog time ago, I was in 6th grade I believe. I had a dream about going to an assembly with my class in the gym, and we sat in the front on the left side of the gym. The next day, we had an assembly (that we had not been told about previously) and my class sat in the exact spot that we did in my dream. I thought it was bizarre. In regards to Dr. Smith's theory, I'm actually pretty confused about the whole quantum physics explanation, but it seems like something I would like to know more about. It does makes sense in explaining how our minds could be connected to others by entanglement, which may not only be an explanation for having heads up dreams about other people, but maybe even an explanation for why two people may have the exact same dream in the same night. Overall I think it would be a difficult theory for a lot of people to grasp, including me, but I hope that more evidence supporting it is found in the future.
ReplyDeleteI always have heads up dreams, and one time i dreamt that i was going to meet a boy and dreamt about the entire relationship and how it would play out. 3 days later i met the boy and it played out exactly like my dream it was scary how similar details were.
ReplyDeleteHowever over the last couple years i began taking sleeping aids to help sleep and due to these sleep aids my HU dreams have dimished.
I don’t believe I have ever had a heads up dream before from what I remember but they do interest me very much. The lady in Peterborough’s stories of how her dreams indicated her mother’s illness were very eye opening and made me want to pay more attention to my own dreams to see if HU dreams occur. As for the theory used for explanation I had a hard time following as I am not a science person. Even just thinking about it now my head is in a twist. But I agree with my peers in that the theory is very interesting to hear about but I’d have hear and read a lot more before I could understand and agree that it is a good explanation.
ReplyDeleteI have never experienced a heads-up dream, but after hearing Dr. Carlyle Smith’s lecture, it sounds pretty intense. I had actually never knew this phenomenon was currently being studied before this lecture. The only limitation I see with heads-up dreaming, is that it seems possible that after having a certain dream, individuals could unconsciously behave in a certain way that could lead to the same or similar occurrences as they experienced in the dream. It is like how individuals often behave, make decisions, have certain thought patterns, etc., which are based from previous experience. Recording and thinking about the dream, may possibly put the information in the same kind of memory as past experiences, or memory that is linked, and when individuals are faced with environmental stimuli, they act in ways that lead to similar outcomes as in their dreams. Dr. Carlyle Smith presented some very interesting research however and it is difficult to ignore the research and real life events produced by Donna-Marie. I think it would be very interesting and helpful for my understanding to look into more research on heads-up dreaming.
ReplyDeleteIn regards to Heads Up dreaming, I have had a couple instances where this occurred. I had dream that I would be in a certain situation with some of my friends and 2 weeks later it had actually happened. It felt like de ja vu but really I had a heads up dream.
ReplyDeleteIn Carlyle Smith's theory, he talks about survival of the fittest and that we are built to predict future events to protect ourselves. I think this works with heads up dreaming. We are able to predict future events through dreaming.
In my life thus far I can recall having one heads-up dream. The dream consisted of me in a car going to a soccer game. On my way to the game, I recalled the car to starting to slouch to the one side and stopping completely. As I got out of the car to assess the problem of my delay I noticed my top right hand tire become alive, disengage from the car and roll away from me. I woke up immediately and thus remembered the dream. The next day I did have a soccer game and I was driving to that game. On my way I noticed my my car starting to slant towards my right side and eventually I had to stop the car as I couldn't drive any further. When I got out of the car to look at my top right tire, it was completely flat. I remembered thinking this was too big to be a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteDr. Smith's presentation of the Quantum theory explanation of Heads up dreaming was interesting and could be used to used to explain my dream however the quantum physics part of it needs to better understood in the physics field before it can be applied to other fields. Dr. Smith's theory did raise more questions. For instance do dream events become possible because you dream them or dream events have already taken place in the future and echo back for you dream them. Which predicts the other? If time goes in all in direction (like a particle) is it moving back/forwards?. Such a complex theory really needs more than one class to be addressed properly. It did however explain how 2 people are able to simultaneously dream the same thing at the same time.
I have not had any heads up dreams that I can remember. Perhaps this is because prior to taking this class I never really remembered or payed attention to many of my dreams. I do not know a whole lot about Quantum Theory as I have never taken a physics class before. Therefore I found this lecture difficult to follow. I did understand speculative theory and entanglement and I feel that these are good explanations to explain heads up dreaming. Heads up dreaming is a new topic to me and I liked that Dr. Smith had many examples and research to support what he has found.
ReplyDeleteI have had one Heads Up dream that I am completely aware of and it happened a week after Dr. Smiths presentation. I dreamed of a former classmate and him and I went to coffee, then that day as I headed to class I saw him and we waved and smiled. It was not exactly like the dream but I have not seen that classmate in over a year. When I saw him it felt like Deja Vu and I then remembered my dream and that it was him in it. Dr. Smith would describe it as a Strange Coincidence dream. I did not write the dream down and almost forgot aspects of it until I saw that classmate then the whole dream came rushing back to me as I passed and gave him a wave. It was not a important dream just something small and trivial. Gave me a weird feeling but I was excited to have finally experienced a heads up dream. I am very interested in them and I hope that I start having more important ones.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I have never had a HU dream. I think it would be very interesting to have one, but for the most part the dreams I have tend to be about what has already happened in my life or are too bizarre to come true. I would love to experience a HU dream in my life, as I think it would be absolutely fascinating. Perhaps if I continue recording my dreams one day I will have one.
ReplyDeleteI have only had one Heads-Up dream that I can recall and it happened when I was about 12 years old.. and it was what sparked my interest in dreaming from then on.
ReplyDeleteI was very excited to be going to a friend's cottage for the weekend, because I had never been there before. A couple nights before we left for the cottage, I had a dreamed that we were already there. It seemed like an insignificant dream at the time; we were just playing in the basement with a ball, or something. However, when I we actually got to the cottage (in waking life) I was amazed and confused to see that the cottage was exactly how I had dreamed it. The same right down a skipping rope laying on the ground in the basement just as it was in the dream. I even knew where the bathroom was without having to be shown!
I have not had another dream like this since then that I can recall. I used to think that maybe it never actually happened like how I remembered because science can never prove why this had happened.. After taking this dream class, and especially hearing Dr. Smith lecture, I believe that I did actually dream of something before it happened.
Also in regard to Dr. Smith's theory, I think that HU dreaming would be a great adaptation in evolutionary theory and thus survival of the fittest. If a person is able to dream about a future event, that would put them at an advantage. If they dream about a negative or dangerous event perhaps they can somehow avoid it or at least expect that it may happen and be prepared. If it is a positive experience this would allow the individual to know that something good was coming. In either scenario knowing what was to come would give this person a better chance of surviving.
ReplyDeleteFollowing Dr. Smith's lecture I think I may of had a heads-up dream or what Dr. Smith also identified as a Strange Coincidence dream. I had dreamt that my friend opened my car door and slammed the car next to us, in real life the next day I actually just stopped myself as I was about to hit the car next to mine while opening my door. I remembered the dream when that happened as well as the lecture. This also makes me think of the Quantum Theory where the observer influences probable realities.
ReplyDeleteAs soon as I learned what a heads up dream was, it instantly reminded me of my first experience with a heads up dream.
ReplyDeleteAbout 2 years ago, I had a dream that I was driving with my dad, it was very early in the morning and I was on my way to work. We turned the corner to see a kiddie pool on someone's front lawn. The kiddie pool was filled with water and when I looked at it, I saw a boy, approximately 5 years old, floating face down in the dead centre of the pool. I told my dad to stop and ran for the pool, pulling the kid out and beginning CPR.
My-real life event occurred about a week later. I work as a lifeguard and when I work the morning shift my dad will drive me on his way to work. I got to work and thought nothing of my dream until I was walking towards the tot pool to do a guard rotation. Right there, in the dead centre of the tot pool was a small boy, floating face down and unable to stand up on his own (he was panicking. I got the other guards attention and jumped in the pool for the kid. The child was fully conscious and okay but my first thoughts went directly to that dream.
Dr. Carlyle's findings regarding the important delayed heads-up dreams comes to mind here. 60% of his subjects had an important but delayed dream and thats exactly what I experienced. Although my job makes this situation more likely, rather than unlikely, this dream definitly follows a heads-up dream and reminds me of Donna- Marie Newfield. My dream elements had some literal meaning and some hidden meaning.
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ReplyDeleteI have had many heads up dreams of random situations, places and people. I had no idea that they were experienced by so many other people and that they actually had such legitimacy to them. Knowing this, I will definitely make sure to focus on the meaning of those dreams more frequently.
ReplyDeleteDr. Carlyle's theory makes sense to me and using science is an interesting approach to try and explain the way these dreams work. Whether or not his theory is truly representative of the way heads up dreams work has yet to be determined but it seems like a logical way to try and explain these phenomena.
Sorry I forgot to my full name on the post before:
ReplyDeleteTara-Lee Upshall
I have not had a heads up dream. Heads Up Dreaming can be explained with Quantum Mechanics. Things exist in probable realities and only a select number of them will manifest in reality (explains why heads up dreaming is not as common as non-heads up dreaming).
The observer influences the probabilities through their waking day life and waveforms collapse into reality. The observer influences those events to occur.
If both particles are connected then the chances of having a heads up dream and then a similar occurrence in waking day is probable.
I definitely believe in heads up dreams and paranormal dreams. I think I had one once: in the dream I was hiding a pill under my tongue because someone was trying to force me to take it. Then i had lots of unpleasant feelings in my mouth and throat. Upon interpretation, I realized that the night I had that dream, I had forgotten to take my pill for acid re flux and woke up the next day to attacks of severe heartburn. I had not made the connection at the time because I had not thought of the dream as that literal.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I have not paid close enough to my dreams in the past to categorize it under a heads up dream. If I was more aware of the dreams I was having upon awakening, I might be able to relate my dreams to an event that happened post my dream. However, I have had moments where I felt I knew someone from somewhere, or had a strange feeling that I have been in that same place at a different time.
ReplyDeleteDr. Smith would classify these various instances as a "strange coinsidence dream."
Now that I am more aware of this type of dreaming, I will be able to pay more attention to future events.
I have had many head dreams in my life ever since childhood. Meeting Dr. Smith had made a big change in my life since I thought I was a bit crazy but his lecture made me feel more at ease. There was actually one time when I met my aunt's friend from her high school. I have never met him before but he was in my dream and eventually I met him in my waking life over dinner in the same restaurant we were in, in my dream, that was the first time I realized I had a head up dream. I was also able to predict what he was going to do and order.
ReplyDeleteA recent one I had was me playing a game. In the dream I lost , but since I knew the outcome of the game from my dream, in my waking day, I change my strategy (cause I already knew what was going to happen). I won the game the end.
Even though in physics, it is said that we cannot travel through time, but I feel that dreaming is a way to travel time. Maybe through our unconscious, we are able to enter into the time dimension (4th dimension for those who have taken physics). So, I think the next step for physicists is to look at dream when looking at time travel.
I do not believe that I have had an HU dream, at least not one that has stood out. I am sure that throughout my life I have had moments where I have been like “oh I’ve dreamt about this” but nothing so far-fetched that it has stuck in my mind. I agree with Dr. Carlyle’s explanation about quantum physics and the particles overlapping the same space makes sense. I believe that Heads Up dreams can occur, even though I do not particularly remember having any, but the understanding behind it would explain why it would happen.
ReplyDeleteI have actually experienced a few Heads Up dreams before. However prior to hearing Dr.Carlyle's theory I did not know what to call it or if it was even a possibility. One example I had of a HU dream was I dreamt about my ex-fiance and how we used to have such a good time together. We were reminiscing on how we would love to go eat Chinese food together and how we would love to sit in the car and listen to music. We were reminiscing on "our" songs we wanted to play at our wedding. In my dream it was nice to see him and reminisce with him. So the next day my mom and I went to go to Mandarin to eat dinner. As we were eating dinner I started to pay attention to the background music and one of "our" songs were playing. It felt like deja vu. Later that night he called.
ReplyDeleteThat was one of many HU dreams that I have experienced. I was thrilled after hearing Dr.Carlyle's lecture, to know that I was not the only one that dreamt like this and that I was not going crazy.
In saying so, I can definitely see how his theory on HU dreams, the strange coincidence, and survival of the fittest explains this phenomenon. However I still cannot wrap my head around the quantum physics part. But after his lecture I am definitely interested in looking into it.