Friday, March 25, 2011

Book Presentation in Tuscany

My colleagues Drs. Donati, Tallarico, Falciai and Pini presented the dream book La Bussola dei Sogni (by Teresa L. Decicco, Francoangeli, publisher) in Tuscany, Italy this past week. It is a great pleasure to be sharing this work with these colleagues but more importantly, the significance of dreams and sharing this information is making its way around the world. This area of research is the new frontier of science, being the dreaming mind. The research has revealed that dreams are meaningful, they relate directly to the dreamer's waking life, they are a mechanism of problem-solving, they are an emotional regulation system, and they provide profound meaning to the dreamer. Dream research is occurring in Germany, Italy, Australia, Finland, The Netherlands, Canada, USA, and many, many other countries. It is my hope that we as dream researchers will continue to share this work with each other and the general public.

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